Healthy Routines For Your Brain

One moment feeling optimistic about healing, the next feeling crushed, and then having to reestablish hope again. Symptoms can be a constant reminder that something is wrong. Some people have symptoms from a young age and don’t remember what it’s like to not have symptoms. Some may be at the beginning of chronic symptoms or a diagnosis. Trying to look for answers and protocols and find a way through all the confusion, it can be easy to get stuck in unhealthy patterns. One of the most healing exercises for finding a way forward is establishing healthy routines.

Regularly applying the information from Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes can establish routines, and routines themselves can help you heal. Are you juicing celery and Medical Medium Brain Shot Therapies? Adding healing foods to your snacks and meals? Taking daily walks? Resting your nerves or using any of the other techniques you’ll find in Brain Saver and Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes? A morning routine can be most powerful. If you got up and made your juice, did some form of exercise, prepared meals for the day, took a round of supplements, or did one of the meditations in Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes, then even if the rest of the day falls apart, you have that morning as your stronghold, your foundation.

Now, this may all sound simplistic. It’s not. It’s not only about the healing act itself—the nutrients or the exercise or the supplements or the meditation, as powerful as these healing acts are. It’s also what your brain gets out of the repetition of beneficial, productive practices, and when you’re living with a chronic illness or symptom, that can help speed up recovery.

When we’re feeling fine, routines can come easily. When you’re mentally or physically suffering, life doesn’t work the same way. With chronic symptoms and illness, struggling to function is part of your everyday experience. That makes for unpredictability. How much fatigue are you going to have when you get up? Are you going to have to plan your day around headaches, brain fog, or dizziness? Will a struggle with anxiety or depression get in the way of your plans? When we’re suffering with these stumbling blocks, we tend to be hard on ourselves or even punish ourselves. That can become a toxic pattern. Even the smallest routines can help break our self-hatred toward our bodies and send away the feeling that they’ve let us down.

Establishing healthy routines tends to stimulate new neuron growth, which is critical because as we age or suffer from illness, we lose neurons. Chronic symptoms tend to enclose us in a bubble where we only get exposed to so much. Routines help encourage new cell growth by expanding electrical impulses to break us out of that bubble, and new routines redirect electrical currents to areas of the brain that might not have been receiving enough electricity. With healthy routines, new neurons get activated and stay strong. That’s why it’s often hard to break routines once you have them; the neurons come to expect consistent electrical brain currents.

Establishing healthy routines establishes a traffic pattern in the brain’s highways. By doing this, other parts of the brain that haven’t been used in a healthy manner—that have been saturated with unhealthy routines or with self-hatred, disgust, disappointment, or sadness about being sick or about any other struggle in life—get additional opportunities to heal.

In Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes, I share an example of what a daily routine could look like for someone who is working on their healing full time. I also share hundreds of different healing protocols, techniques, and tips that you can make part of your healthy routines using Medical Medium information.

Once you’ve established a routine, it’s okay to break it. It can even be beneficial here and there to stray from your pattern, as long as you’re not straying away onto protocols that aren’t healing. You can switch up your tools and protocols and your timelines and schedule, although it’s not helpful to bring in toxic routines and toxic habits that can set healing back. Once you’ve set up your foundational, active highways through regular healing practices, mixing it up will help send electricity down different pathways and create new neuron growth in other areas of the brain.


Intermittent onsets of severe seizures come from large deposits of heavy metals. Sometimes there are even clusters of large deposits, although it’s usually only a cluster of two deposits.

What creates these seizures is the interaction of metals–specifically, an alloy of mercury, aluminum, and copper, with all three of those residing next to each other and sometimes even partially forged together through excessive heat exchange from past seizures. Most people who suffer from severe seizures were exposed to all three metals at the same time, rather than exposed to different metals at random different times.

What brings on severe seizures is usually a chemical reaction with the alloy deposit or deposits. That chemical reaction could come from something the person’s ingesting, including some medications, or even an episode of severe stress, because in that case, adrenaline will flood the brain. Whatever the chemical reaction is, it will create heat in the brain, and because metal conducts heat, it will bring intense heat to wherever that heavy metal deposit or cluster is located. An electrical storm will occur as the body and brain try to find balance—and that’s what creates a severe seizure. After the seizure, the toxic heavy metals are intertwined more from the heat exchange.

Some seizures are not caused solely by toxic heavy metals. A number of factors and combinations can cause seizures, including MSG deposits in the brain, calcium and sodium deposits in the brain, viruses and viral byproduct and even viral neurotoxin deposits in the brain, brain tissue that’s callusing or scarring, brain tissue that’s dying, severe neurotransmitter deficiencies in the brain, severe B12 deficiency in the brain, highly toxic chemical exposure in the brain, and byproduct and waste in the brain from foodborne pathogens. This is not an exhaustive list. Most seizures have a foundation of metals combined with one or more of these other factors.

Healing Consultations with Medical Intuitive Healer Omar Botha
